Feasibility analysis of phase transition signals based on e-bike rider behavior

Sheng Dong, Jibiao Zhou, Li Zhao, Keshuang Tang, Renfa Yang
2015 Advances in Mechanical Engineering  
This article evaluates the feasibility of two scenarios of phase transition signals, that is, the flashing green together with red-yellow light and the green countdown together with red countdown, at signalized intersections in terms of e-bike rider behavior. An evaluation framework is first proposed. During the phase transition, the stop-go and start-up behavioral parameters are collected at four intersections in Shanghai, China. Sensitivity analysis is then performed to identify the most
more » ... ficant factors that influence the occurrence of traffic conflicts during the phase transition. Based on the above analysis results, case studies were finally done to look into safety performance of the two scenarios of phase transition signals, indicated by the distributions of post encroachment time at the conflict point and the occurring probability of extremely small post encroachment times. Research result shows the transition signal combination of green countdown + red countdown tends to cause traffic accidents more easily and thus less safe compared to the transition signal combination of flashing green + red-yellow. Unlike the conventional method generally based on the deterministic traffic flow theory, the proposed methodology has a wide application. With the aid of it, traffic engineers are capable of designing transition signals in a more scientific manner.
doi:10.1177/1687814015618905 fatcat:qnf2eetm7ralzoidrbyawlhjl4