Depart-ment of Industrial Biotechnology, Faculty of Agro-Industry

Ronnachai Chaisri, Piyarat Boonsawang, Poonsuk Prasertsan, Sumate Chaiprapat
Ph.D. (Biotechnology), Assoc. Prof   unpublished
Chaisri, R., Boonsawang, P., Prasertsan, P. and Chaiprapat, S. Effect of organic loading rate on methane and volatile fatty acids productions from anaerobic treatment of palm oil mill effluent in UASB and UFAF reactors Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., May 2007, Suppl 2 : 311-323 Anaerobic treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) with the separation of the acidogenic and methanogenic phase was studied in an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and an up-flow anaerobic filter (UFAF)
more » ... eactor. Furthermore, the effect of OLR on methane and volatile fatty acid productions in UASB and UFAF reactors was investigated. In this research, UASB as acidogenic reactor was used for volatile fatty acid production and UFAF as methanogenic reactor was used for methane production. Therefore, POME without pH adjustment was used as influent for the UASB reactor. Moreover, the synthetic wastewater with pH adjustment to 6.00 was fed into the UFAF reactor. The inoculum source for both reactors was the combination of POME sludge collected from the CSTR of a POME treatment plant and granule sludge collected from the UASB reactor of a frozen sea food industry treatment plant. During experimental operation, the organic loading rate (OLR) was gradually increased from 2.50 to 17.5 g COD/l/day in the UASB reactor and 1.10 to 10.0 g COD/l/day in the UFAF reactor. Consequently, hydraulic retention time ORIGINAL ARTICLE 1 M.