Art. III.—On Typhoid Pneumonia Associated with Muffled Tympanitic Resonance, with Cases
Thomas Hayden
The Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science
May 28.--Inflammation has extended downwards, engaging the entire oft he anterior surface of the lung, as low as the sixth rib; left side of chest generally dull in front, to a point below the nipple, but clear behind a line extending obliquely downwards and forwards from the posterior fold of the axilla; pulse 90 and occasionally intermitting; heart's action corresponding, but otherwise normal; sputa "rusty;" tongue dry; features haggard and shrunken; to be cupped to three ounces in mammary
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... ion, and have, within the next twenty-four hours, ten ounces of whiskey and six of wine at intervals; quinine and beef-tea, with arrowroot, to be continued. May 29.---Respirations 30; pulse 72, not intermitting. June 1.--Progressing favourably; tongue now clean; pulse 72, full, regular, and not intermitting; respirations 30; returning vesicular breathing in apex of lung, with feeble and sparse crepitus. In mammary region bronchial respiration with muco-crepitus; general dulness in front; resonance behind, as on the 28th of May. June 3.--Tongue clean; pulse 72; respirations 24; dulness in front less pronounced; in sub-clavicular region it is modified by a peculiar resonance of a somewhat tympanitic character, but from t~he clavicle to the sixth rib a grepitus is still audible, beneath the clavicle only at end of full respiration. Treatment continued, with exception of whiskey which was reduced to five ounces. June 5.---Pulse 66; respirations 18; a coarse systolic, murmur of a rubbing character, heard in second left intercostal space, near the sternum. June 6.--Pulse 60; respirations 18. June 8.--Pulse and respiration as on the 6th; tongue clean. A loud grating friction both heard and felt over base of left lung posteriorly, and bronchial respiration in left supra-spinal fossa. June 12.--Pulse 60, full, strong, and regular ; first sound of heart rather prolonged, and attended with a soft murmur over left base ; whole of left side comparatively dull in front, with muco-crepitus inferlorly; pleuritic friction audible over greater part of same side posteriorly ; appetite good ; sleeps well. Discharged this day. This was a case of typhoid pneumonia engaging the superior lobe of the left lung, and complicated, towards the close, with pleuritis without effusion, and a slight attack of pericarditis. The work in which the man had been employed was well calculated to deteriorate his health. The inflammation, as is usual in typhoid pneumonia, invaded first