MPLA Case 2: A junior physicist attempts to improve radiotherapy workflow

Dongxu Wang, Gabbie Meis, Mary Gronberg, Cassandra Stambaugh, Leonard Kim
2021 Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics  
This fictional case describes the challenging situation for a junior physicist, who joined her hometown's cancer center as a solo physicist after graduating from residency. She is concerned about providing optimal patient care as well as improving her work/life balance. She wonders how to move forward. The intended use of the case study, in either a facilitated learning session or self-study, is to inspire the readers to discuss the situation, analyze the institutional and personal factors,
more » ... y relevant leadership skills, and propose action plans. This case study falls under the scope of, and is supported by, the Medical Physics Leadership Academy (MPLA). A sample facilitator's guide or self-study guide is available upon request to the MPLA Cases Subcommittee.
doi:10.1002/acm2.13188 pmid:33739625 fatcat:cr52qfsmejea3o4e6vx726abym