Design & Development of Four Way Hack Saw

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
Cutting of material is one of the important machining parameters for development of different fabricated model like shaft, bolts and screws etc. for a mass production the material need to cut in a multiple way or manner at a same time and this is to be perform on a power hack saw or multiple way hack saw machine which consume less time. This paper propose the design considerations and development of four way hacksaw machine which is able to cut four pieces of same or different material
more » ... ously with a very less time consumption. The motor is used as a source of power generation. Conversion of rotary motion of motor shaft into reciprocating motion is obtained by using eccentric cam. This machine can perform cutting operation on four different components by four ways at a time on different material simultaneously and therefore this machine becomes very useful in industry because of its efficiency, reliability and compatibility. This machine overcomes traditional hack saw machine which cuts material single work piece at particular time interval and also fulfills today's need of mass production
doi:10.35940/ijrte.b1455.078219 fatcat:bxlu2tu225esbghp7ixsn44skq