The Comparative Study of Offer Revocation in Iran's Law and International Convention on Sale and Principles of International Contracts

Milad Azizi, Yasoobi, Arsallan Saeidi
2016 unpublished
Nowadays, international commerce needs contracting parties' assurance of doing Commitments which they want. In this case, commercial exchanges take speed and security and holding international contract will increase. One of the assurance's cases is that when a person wants to do something and declares it should adhere to his commitment and this offer is in 2 forms. Either the person obligates himself to do his commitment clearly or he doesn't create any obligation for himself. A question maybe
more » ... aised here that whether a person can revoke from his commitment or not? Revocation of offer means that a person can revoke its credit by his will and no legal or contractual phenomenon can prevent him. Although the revocation's possibility of simple offers in most legal systems is accepted, revocation's possibility of firm offers is strongly disagreed. The present research studies the nature of revocation in Iran's law and Vienna convention and principles of international commercial contracts with the aim of resolving the present ambiguities in the internal system.