Diamond green dye adsorptive removal from water by carrot pulpy waste and potato peels

R Rehman, S Alam, L Mitu
2017 Bulgarian Chemical Communications   unpublished
Diamond green dye is an example of textile dye. In this study, Daucus carota (carrot) waste and Solanum tuberosum (potato) peels were used for dye removal from water. These are low-cost and commonly available materials. Their adsorption capacity for Diamond green dye was tested for the first time in this study for possible application on industrial scale water treatment. Optimum conditions for the removal of 25 ppm of Diamond green dye from 100 mL of synthetic wastewater by carrot pulpy waste
more » ... re: 0.6 g adsorbent dose, pH 2.0, 40 min contact time, 30 o C temperature and 150 rpm agitation speed. Using potato peels, the optimum conditions were: 0.4 g adsorbent dose, pH 1.0, 15 min contact time, 30 o C temperature and 50 rpm agitation speed. Various conditions affecting the sorption of Diamond green dye from water were optimized by carrying out isothermal and kinetic studies. Isothermal studies indicated that chemisorptive mode is predominant over physio-sorption with maximum removal capacities for carrot waste and potato peels of 4.14 and 3.13 mg/g, respectively. Kinetic studies pointed to a pseudo-second order model. Both materials are suitable for bulk-scale removal of Diamond green dye from waste water streams.