A detailed study of lithium in 107 CHEPS dwarf stars

Ya. V. Pavlenko, J. S. Jenkins, O. M. Ivanyuk, H. R. A. Jones, B. M. Kaminsky, Yu. P. Lyubchik, L. A. Yakovina
2018 Astronomy and Astrophysics  
We report results from lithium abundance determinations using high resolution spectral analysis of the 107 metal-rich stars from the Calan-Hertfordshire Extrasolar Planet Search programme. We set out to understand the lithium distribution of the population of stars taken from this survey. The lithium abundance with account NLTE effects was determined from the fits to the Li I 6708 Å resonance doublet profiles in the observed spectra. We find that a) fast rotators tend to have higher lithium
more » ... dances, b) N(Li) is higher in more massive/hot stars, c) N(Li) is higher in less evolved stars, i.e. stars of lower , d) stars with the metallicities >0.25 dex do not show the presence of lithium lines in their spectra, e) most of our planet hosts rotate slower, f) our estimate of a lower limit of lithium isotopic ratio is >10 in the atmospheres of two SWP and two non-SWP stars. Measurable lithium abundances were found in the atmospheres of 45 stars located at distances of 20-170 pc from the Sun, for the other 62 stars the upper limits of log N(Li) were computed. We found well defined dependences of lithium abundances on , , and less pronounced for the . In case of we see two sequences of stars: with measurable lithium and with the upper limit of log N(Li). About 10% of our targets are known to host planets. Only two SWP have notable lithium abundances, so we found a lower proportion of stars with detectable Li among known planet hosts than among stars without planets. However, given the small sample size of our planet-host sample, our analysis does not show any statistically significant differences in the lithium abundance between SWP and stars without known planets.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201731547 fatcat:zcjhtib7ffeydo6lulhttg5wly