Sustainability Ranking of Desalination Plants Using Mamdani Fuzzy Logic Inference Systems

Rustum, Kurichiyanil, Forrest, Sommariva, Adeloye, Zounemat-Kermani, Scholz
2020 Sustainability  
As water desalination continues to expand globally, desalination plants are continually under pressure to meet the requirements of sustainable development. However, the majority of desalination sustainability research has focused on new desalination projects, with limited research on sustainability performance of existing desalination plants. This is particularly important while considering countries with limited resources for freshwater such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as it is heavily
more » ... liant on existing desalination infrastructure. In this regard, the current research deals with the sustainability analysis of desalination processes using a generic sustainability ranking framework based on Mamdani Fuzzy Logic Inference Systems. The fuzzy-based models were validated using data from two typical desalination plants in the UAE. The promising results obtained from the fuzzy ranking framework suggest this more in-depth sustainability analysis should be beneficial due to its flexibility and adaptability in meeting the requirements of desalination sustainability.
doi:10.3390/su12020631 fatcat:7ykusagxgjcrbazcvpgijlwkau