The assessment of the possibilities of reducing the number of tests of the initial moisture content in the foam-polymer-mineral insulation of pipes
Оценка возможностей сокращения объема испытаний пенополимерминеральной изоляции труб на предмет исходного влагосодержания

Belyj V.S., Bryl S.V., Mishina A.M., Zverkov M.S.
2018 Ekologiya i stroitelstvo  
This article proposes a method of assessing the type and parameters of the distribution of the initial moisture content of the foam-polymer-mineral (PPM) insulation of steel pipes of underground heat pipes, as well as a method of testing the statistical hypothesis about the type and parameters of the distribution of moisture content. Investigated the possibility of reducing the amount of testing of PPM insulation steel pipe on the subject of the original moisture content without reducing the
more » ... uracy and reliability of the estimation of the true values of the original moisture content.
doi:10.35688/2413-8452-2018-02-005 fatcat:wzbhqscnxfdippkq5gapn2m7ce