Implementation of a medication management improvement system for community- dwelling older adults

Valerie Ann Madaffari
2013 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice  
Older adults have many chronic medical problems. Along with these issues, an older adult is prescribed multiple medications. This medication regimen increases the risk of adverse events. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of student nurses implementing a medication management program in a home care population. Methods: The study was carried out with a convenience sample of community-dwelling older adults who were receiving home care services. Included a sample of 34
more » ... ts aged 62 and older who took an average of 12 medications daily. Participants were assessed for medication problems on two separate home visits 30 days apart. Medication problems identified at the first visit were addressed using an established protocol. A total of 14 student nurses conducted the assessment over an eight-month period. Results: Findings showed a statistically significant (Z=2.33, p<0.05) reduction in the mean number of medication problems between two visits. Conclusions: Student nurses can effectively implement a medication management program.
doi:10.5430/jnep.v3n7p85 fatcat:sd44dsj4cncddbotgtfacsubxi