Recent Views of Proton-Selective Permeation: Lesson from Voltage-Gated Proton Channel

2016 Seibutsu Butsuri  
Protons play critical roles in many biological events, including energy metabolism, neuronal signals, cell motility and cancer progression. Voltage-gated proton channel, VSOP/Hv1, has the voltage-sensor domain which has dual roles of voltage sensing and proton permeation. This review discusses proton-selective permeation through the voltage sensor domain of VSOP/Hv1. proton / gate / ion channel / membrane potential / water wire / salt bridge / deprotonation 1 VSP VSOP/Hv1
doi:10.2142/biophys.56.154 fatcat:t54ogzad3jh4fkts33qwmqld6u