Oil Absorbencies of Fibers of Biodegradable and Microbial Polymers Prepared by Electrospinning Method
전기방사에 의한 미생물 합성 생분해성 고분자 섬유의 Oil 흡수

Ei-Sup Jang, Won-Ki Lee, Chan-Young Park, Sung-Kee Min, Seong-Ho Jang
2013 Journal of Environmental Science International  
Fibers of microbial polyesters, poly(3-hydroxy butyrate) (PHB) and poly(3-hydroxy butyrate-co-3-hydroxy valerate) (HB-co-HV) were prepared by electrospinning method. The obtained fibers were evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy, and oil absorption. The formation of fibers was strongly dependent on a concentration of solution. At a low concentration, the fibers contained beads which is from aggregation of polymer due to short evaporation time. The fine
more » ... rs with 2-5 mm diameter were obtained at 20 wt% concentration. The contact angle measurement showed that the fiber had higher water contact angle than the film due to the lotus-like effect. Oil absorbency showed that the fiber had higher than the film. Specially, the HB-co-HV fiber which was spinned from 20 wt% absorbed 65% oil which is much higher than that of a normal polypropylene-based oil paper.
doi:10.5322/jesi.2013.22.2.243 fatcat:xthuhvvvzbdhzdh267orvwqpfi