Prosecutions under the Sale of Food and Drugs' Act

1876 The Analyst  
AT the Kirkdale Petty Sessions, two informations were heard against milk dealers for adulteration. In the first case Henry Barton, was charged with having sold half a pint of adulterated milk, Mr. Superintendent Martin said that on the 13th of September he met a shandry which was being driven by the defendant's son in Rice Lane, Walton, and purchased from him half a pint, which he afterwards submitted to Dr. Campbell Brown, the county analyst. H e had since received from Dr. Brown, a
more » ... stating that the milk contained 2.9 per cent. of fat, 7.1 per cent. of other solids, and that upwards of 25 parts of water had been added to every hundred parts of milk. The defendant was fined $5 and costs, or two months' imprisonment in default. Matthias Clarkson, was charged with a similar offence. On the 13th of September, Mr. Superintendent Martin visited the milkhouse of t.hg defendant and bought half a pint of milk, which he submitted to Dr. Campbell Brown, whose certificate showed the following result : 2.93 per cent. of fat, 7.7 per cent. of other solids, and 17 parts of water had been added to every hundred parts of otherwise rich milk. The defendant was fined ;E5 and costs, and Mr. Neilson said if those cases again ocaurred the fines would be doubled. SOuTHwARK.-Henry James, a cheesemonger in a small way in business at 21, Manor road, Bermondsey, was summoned by order of the Bermondsey Vestry for selling as pure butter a mixture containing 67 per cent. of foreign matter. Mr. Doman, the inspector appointed for the purpose of carrying out this act of parliament, said that on the 11th ult. hc caused three quarters of a pound of butter to be purchased at defendant's shop, for which he paid Is. B e took a portion produced to Dr. Muter to be analysed, and the result of that was Dr. Muter's certificate, showing 67 parts out of 100 were not butter, The defendant said he sold it as he purchased it.
doi:10.1039/an8760100153 fatcat:afang36nnrc33az3hu7uhql4vq