戦後再建期のイギリスにおける社会政策の意義 : 福祉国家の成立・定着とコンセンサス論をめぐって

長谷川 淳一
The United Kingdom began considering postwar reconstruction in the early stages of WWII. During this stage, various reforms were planned based on a consensus that surpassed the ideological differences between the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. Social policies resulting from these reforms were especially praised as being synonymous with the postwar welfare state. However, a recent view gaining strength is that the British postwar rebuilding efforts were not characterized by consensus
more » ... t rather by various constraints, and that the results of reconstruction were very limited. This study clarifies the research situation, highlighting problematic points in the British postwar reconstruction studies including current issues and future challenges. Notes 論説 Genre Journal Article URL https://koara.lib.keio.ac.jp/xoonips/modules/xoonips/detail.php?koara_id=AN00234610-2006040
doi:10.14991/001.20060401-0075 fatcat:qdrano3irbby7j7ibt6ve3jmwe