The Development of POTENSIA; The Android-Based Psychological Application for Mapping and Assessments of Student Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Zadrian Ardi, Hendra Hidayat, Ifdil Ifdil, Yan Guspriadi, Siti Azizi Fauziyyah
2021 International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies  
<span lang="EN-US">Students experience various essential changes related to their psychological conditions during their education in college. Students' adaptability to the demands of these changes will give birth to new skills for the next stage of psychological development. However, academic stress, social problems, career, and personal-emotional problems can hinder the productivity and development of students in terms of mental health. This issue increased with the new-normal life during the
more » ... OVID-19 pandemic, which also impacted the education process. For this reason, it is necessary to have a mobile-based online psychological assessment to map the mental health conditions of students during the pandemic. This study aims to develop and validate an Android-based online psychological assessment application to map students' mental health conditions. This study involved ten experts in counseling and software development, five counselors, and 638 users of the POTENSIA application. According to application development needs, data analysis using Aiken's V coefficient test, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Rasch Model Analysis. The results of the study prove that the application is considered valid and practical to use. The effectiveness of the application is considered very good in mapping the mental health conditions of students.</span>
doi:10.3991/ijim.v15i16.25147 fatcat:kgcuzgaowzag7o2autrfkr5k7e