Evaluation of machine translation systems at CLS Corporate Language Services AG

Elisabeth Maier, Anthony Clarke, Hans-Udo Stadler
2001 Machine Translation Summit  
This paper describes the evaluation of Machine Translation (MT) System for use in a large company. To take into account the specific requirements of such an environment, a pragmatic approach for the evaluation was developed. It consists of five steps ranging from a specification of the evaluation process to the integration of the chosen MT system in a given infrastructure. The process includes a specification of MT evaluation criteria relevant to systems which have to be employed for a large
more » ... tomer base. The paper also shows the results of such an evaluation study which was recently carried out at CLS Corporate Language Services AG, where COMPRENDIUM is in the meantime being employed as corporate MT system.
dblp:conf/mtsummit/MaierCS01 fatcat:astx5wjucrbhzigkczdxj5pkzi