Implications of the form of the Flow Law for Vertical Velocity and Age–Depth Profiles in Polar Ice

E.W. Wolff, C.S.M. Doake
1986 Journal of Glaciology  
Two situations are studied in relation to the flow law of polar ice. In each case, models are used with a flow-law exponent of one, and with the more traditional exponent of three. The horizontal velocity profile at Devon Island, Arctic Canada, is better fitted by n = 1; for the vertical velocity profile, n = 3 gives a better fit, but both model profiles fall well within experimental error. For the Camp Century age–depth profile, only n = 1 gives an acceptable fit when temperature is allowed
more » ... . The large discrepancy between isothermal and non-isothermal models for n = 3 shows the importance of allowing for temperature in studies of ice-sheet properties.
doi:10.3189/s0022143000012053 fatcat:ardaf5avgvhkvp722tthjx7use