Chapters 65 and 66 of the Book of Enoch

1883 The Old Testament Student  
Chapters 65 and 66 of the Book of Enoch.-And in those days Noah saw the earth that it was curved, and that its destruction was near. 2. And he lifted up his feet from there, and went to the ends of the earth, and called to his grandfather Enoch; and Noah said with a bitter voice: " Hear me! hear me! hear me!" three times. 3. And he said to him: " Tell me what is it that has been done on the earth, that the earth is so tired out and shaken. May I not be destroyed with it ?" 4. And after this
more » ... there was a great trembling on the earth, and a voice -was heard from heaven, and I fell on my face. 5. And Enoch, my grandfather, came and stood by me and said to me: " Why dost thou so bitterly and lamentingly cry to me? 6. A command has come from before the presence of the Lord over all those who dwell on the earth, that their end is at hand, because they know all the secrets of the angel, and all the violence of the satans, and all the powers of secrecy, and all the powers of those who practice sorcery and the powers of fascination, and the powers of those who make metal images of the whole earth; 7. and also hoiv silver is produced from the dust of the earth, and how soft metal originates on the earth. 8. For lead and zinc are not produced like the former; a fountain it is which produces them, and an angel who stands in it; and that angel is excellent." 9. And after that my grandfather Enoch took hold of me with his hand, and raised me up, and said to me: "Go, for I have asked the Lord of the spirits concerning this shaking of the earth. 10. And he said to me: "On account of their injustice their judgment is completed; and will not be counted before me concerning the months which they have searched out, and thhrough which they have learned that the earth will be destroyed and those who live thereon. 11. And for them there will be no place of refuge to eternity, because they have showed them that which was secret, and they will be judged; but not thou, my son; the Lord of the spirits knows that thou art clean and free of this blame concerning the secrets. 12. And he has strengthened thy name among the holy, and will preserve thee from those who dwell on the earth, and will strengthen thy seed in justice for kings and great honors; and from thy seed will proceed the fountain of the just and the holy, without number, to eternity." And after that he showed me the angels of punishment, who are prepared to come in order to open all the powers of the water which is under the earth, that it may be a judgment and destruction over all those who live and dwell on the earth. 2. And the Lord of spirits commanded the angels who went forth, that they should not lift up their hands, but should wait; for these angels are over the power of the waters. 3. And I went away from the presence of Enoch. The Music of the Bible.-The division of the Music of the Bible into three kinds-namely, as used in worship, war, and social intercourse-naturally suggests itself; and it would be an exceedingly good division, if only there existed sufficient materials for its story. But, unfortunately, direct information on the subject is most scanty; for often that which seems at first sight a plain statement of facts, will on examination turn out far otherwise. For instance, we are told that Jubal was "the father of such as handle the harp and the organ." This reads thus in the Lutheran version: " Und sein Bruder hiesz Jubal, von dem sind hergekommen die Geiger und Pfeifer " (and his brother was named Jubal, from whom descended fiddlers and pipers "). On turning to the Septuagint version, we shall find that no less than three totally distinct words are used in different parts of the Bible to Chapters 65 and 66 of the Book of Enoch.-And in those days Noah saw the earth that it was curved, and that its destruction was near. 2. And he lifted up his feet from there, and went to the ends of the earth, and called to his grandfather Enoch; and Noah said with a bitter voice: " Hear me! hear me! hear me!" three times. 3. And he said to him: " Tell me what is it that has been done on the earth, that the earth is so tired out and shaken. May I not be destroyed with it ?" 4. And after this time there was a great trembling on the earth, and a voice -was heard from heaven, and I fell on my face. 5. And Enoch, my grandfather, came and stood by me and said to me: " Why dost thou so bitterly and lamentingly cry to me? 6. A command has come from before the presence of the Lord over all those who dwell on the earth, that their end is at hand, because they know all the secrets of the angel, and all the violence of the satans, and all the powers of secrecy, and all the powers of those who practice sorcery and the powers of fascination, and the powers of those who make metal images of the whole earth; 7. and also hoiv silver is produced from the dust of the earth, and how soft metal originates on the earth. 8. For lead and zinc are not produced like the former; a fountain it is which produces them, and an angel who stands in it; and that angel is excellent." 9. And after that my grandfather Enoch took hold of me with his hand, and raised me up, and said to me: "Go, for I have asked the Lord of the spirits concerning this shaking of the earth. 10. And he said to me: "On account of their injustice their judgment is completed; and will not be counted before me concerning the months which they have searched out, and thhrough which they have learned that the earth will be destroyed and those who live thereon. 11. And for them there will be no place of refuge to eternity, because they have showed them that which was secret, and they will be judged; but not thou, my son; the Lord of the spirits knows that thou art clean and free of this blame concerning the secrets. 12. And he has strengthened thy name among the holy, and will preserve thee from those who dwell on the earth, and will strengthen thy seed in justice for kings and great honors; and from thy seed will proceed the fountain of the just and the holy, without number, to eternity." And after that he showed me the angels of punishment, who are prepared to come in order to open all the powers of the water which is under the earth, that it may be a judgment and destruction over all those who live and dwell on the earth. 2. And the Lord of spirits commanded the angels who went forth, that they should not lift up their hands, but should wait; for these angels are over the power of the waters. 3. And I went away from the presence of Enoch.
doi:10.1086/469326 fatcat:j3b5bm2rtna2fal5slochwij5m