Examining the essentiality of maternal choline intake during early infant development

Erin D Lewis
Choline is an essential micronutrient with increased requirements during pregnancy and lactation due to a high demand by the developing fetus and infant. Animal studies have demonstrated that choline is essential for brain development, and as a component of all cell membranes it is hypothesized that choline is also required during the postnatal period for the rapidly developing immune system. Choline is not routinely consumed in supplements; therefore, food is the primary exogenous source.
more » ... te the reliance on dietary sources, there iv Preface This thesis is original work by Erin D. Lewis. The research project involving humans, of which this thesis is a part, received research ethics approval from the
doi:10.7939/r3k06xb5g fatcat:z57q23jnnvgt5efm4cftat7kmy