O hrvatskoj ikavskoj jezičnoj tradiciji u prosudbi izvandomovinske jezikoslovne kroatistike [chapter]

Vice Šunjić
2021 Periferno u hrvatskom jeziku, kulturi i društvu / Peryferie w języku chorwackim, kulturze i społeczeństwie  
The idea of Novoštokavian Ikavian as the basis for Croatian literary language appeared in the works of Croatian linguists from abroad in the mid-1950s. The same idea was promoted by certain Croatian linguists as early as mid-18th century, in the period of Croatian language standardisation, when Ikavian was the most dominant among Croatian speeches. The same goes for 19th century, when usage of Novoštokavian Ikavian served as a distinctive feature between the western (Croatian, Ikavian) and
more » ... rn (Serbian, Ekavian) speeches. The architect of such a solution was Petar Tutavac Bilić, a Croatian linguist living abroad, together with his associates gathered around the magazine "Svitlenik". This paper deals with works by Tutavac Bilić in which he tried to initiate changes with regard to the basis of the Croatian literary language. This paper will discuss Tutavac's works, with which he tried to influence the change of the standard linguistic basis of the Croatian literary language, as well as the works of Croatian linguists living abroad who strongly opposed such a form of linguistic radicalism.
doi:10.31261/pn.4038.26 fatcat:pgltic43b5ddjasveojn2zjw6q