A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Structure Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Pneumonia and its Prevention among Staff Nurses in Selected Hospitals at Vijayapura, Karnataka

Rajashekharayya Kanakalmath, S. Eshwarappa
2020 Zenodo  
The children, geriatric people and some people already having health problems they are risk group to get pneumonia. In this period care is very essential. The peadiatric care is more important. The neonates are at risk for various health problems even though they born with average birth weight. Neonatal health problems are sepsis, birth asphyxia, hypothermia, hyperthermia, inability to suck breast milk, jaundice, difficulty to urination and defecation etc. Most of the health problems are life
more » ... reatening to the people especially pneumonia also. They need optimal care for their improved survival. Objectives: (1) To assess the knowledge of staff nurses in selected hospital on knowledge regarding pneumonia and its prevention. (2) To determine the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding pneumonia and its prevention. (3) To find out the association between post-tests knowledge scores of staff nurses on knowledge regarding pneumonia and its prevention and with their selected socio-demographic variables. Methodology: The research design used for this study is quasi experimental (one group pretest) design. The independent variable is the structured questionnaire and the dependent variable is knowledge of the staff nurses regarding pneumonia and its prevention. In order to achieve the objective of the present study, quasi experimental one group pretest, posttest with an evaluative approach was adopted. The sample was selected by purposive sampling technique. The sample comprised of 60 staff nurses and data were collected before and after administration of structured teaching programme. Results: Reveals that in the pretest, majority of subjects 47(78.33%) had average knowledge, 08 (13.33%) had good knowledge and 5 (8.33%) had poor knowledge. It reveals that the mean percentage of knowledge scored was (26.66%). Reveals that the percentage of knowledge scores in introduction and definition about pneumonia and its prevention was (100%), incidence of pneumonia was (40%), types of pneum [...]
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4030306 fatcat:iwfk7j4abfaz3h2bp43a5qu6qe