Olena Solona, Vinnitsa National Agrarian University, Ukraine, Ihor Kupchuk, Vinnitsa National Agrarian University, Ukraine
Modernization of research area: national prospects and European practices
The research was supported and funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine under grant No. 0121U108589 «Development of a complex of energy-efficient and resource-saving equipment and promising technologies for feeding farm animals of the AIC of Ukraine». The introduction of energy-efficient machines and technologies in the system of feed preparation and animal feeding is an important prerequisite for the development of agriculture. One of the advanced types of grinding technology
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... are vibrating mills, which provide high specific productivity at relatively low energy consumption, adjustable tone of grinding products. Vibration impact on the product significantly increases the shock-absorbing effect with the possibility of wide and separate variation of shock and abrasion factors. Significant speed of mechanical and heat and mass transfer processes, a high degree of homogeneity of the product, the ability to effectively implement fine grinding and dispersion of the product at relatively low energy consumption lead to the widespread use of vibratory grinding.The constructive scheme of the mill is developed, in which the flat vertical vibrating field provides lifting of a part of loading and by means of the transport-reloading device carries out its continuously regulated movement from one grinding chamber to another, thereby circulating-spatial movement of the environment in which grinding shock interaction of grinding bodies and material that is crushed. One of the most important rules for the construction of vibrating mills is the need to maximize the degree of their automation in order to increase productivity, improve the quality of grinding and reduce the cost of the technological process.A constructive model of a controlled vibration mill with spatial-circulating motion was also developed, which constantly changes to the resonant mode of operation at the set technologically optimal parameters (productivity) and minimum energy consumption for vibration when changing the mass of the working body in the process of separation and unloading of crushed material from the grinding chamber.The aim of the study is to establish the dependence of the parameters of the crushed mass along the grinding chambers and in places of overload on the parameters of vibration of the vibration mill of continuous motion.Development of a structural model of adaptive vibration mill with spatial-circulating loading movement which when changing the mass of the working body in the process of separation and unloading of crushed material from the grinding chamber could constantly adapt to resonant mode at given technologically optimal parameters (productivity) and minimum energy consumptionResearch methods. Theoretical and experimental research methods were used in the work. Experiment planning and regression analysis methods were used in conducting experiments and processing experimental data. Verification of the adequacy of the obtained dependences with experimental data was carried out by methods of mathematical statistics.Scientific novelty: the theory and practice of vibration mechanics were further developed, in particular, the conditions of vertical lifting of the loading part in vibrating mills with a U-shaped chamber were determined and the influence of the main factors on the lifting height was studied; for the first time the scheme of the vibrating mill with spatial-circulating loading movement is developed, in which the effect of lifting of loading is used and by means of the transport-technological device reloading in the interconnected chambers is carried out.Practical significance. The conditions and parameters of the vibration field that regulate the intensity and duration of grinding are determined. The dependence of the productivity Q of a vibrating mill on the velocity of transporting the loaded mass along the grinding chamber has been established. The structure and two-circuit principle of control of work of adaptive vibration mill with spatial-circulating movement of loading are offered.