CASE REPORT Severe Hypoglycemia Following Acute Aluminum Phosphide (Rice Tablet) Poisoning; A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Abbas Aghabiklooei, Omid Mehrpour, Abbas Aghabiklooei, Mohammad Abdollahi, Surjit Singh
2012 Acta Medica Iranica   unpublished
Aluminum phosphide (AlP) as 3 g tablet is widely used in Iran to protect stored food grains from pests. Hyperglycemia following its ingestion has been already reported in the recent years but severe hypoglycemia is uncommon. Here, we report a 19 year old male who attempted suicide with one tablet of AlP and demonstrated severe hypoglycemia. Despite restoration of blood glucose concentration to normal, he failed to respond to supportive treatment and died. The possible mechanisms leading to
more » ... e hypoglycemia are discussed. Though severe hypoglycemia is rare following AlP poisoning, physicians managing such patients should be aware of it.