Improvising Information Security in Cloud Computing Environment

Shweta Sharma, Bharat Bhushan, Shalini Sharma
2014 International Journal of Computer Applications  
The evolution of internet has introduced an immense change in the usage of information and communication technologies. The fast, easy-to-use and pay per usage criteria leads to cloud computing infrastructure. Cloud Computing provides network services to its clients as per their requirements. Nowadays, information security has become a serious issue while clientserver interaction in cloud computing environment. The privacy and integrity of information to be exchanged or stored needs to be
more » ... ed to ensure a safe cloud computing platform establishment. In this paper, a security framework has been proposed to alleviate the security level of information transferred from client end to cloud service provider (server). Certain authentication and file integrity techniques have been studied and are suggested to be implemented under the proposed scheme. This way, scheme ensures good quality of confidentiality, Integrity and Authentication during storage and access of information in cloud computing. Certain cryptographic (symmetric and asymmetric) techniques have been used to design the proposed framework.
doi:10.5120/15071-3503 fatcat:cyvzvcyp55cdpfyryu6huting4