A stable, distributed dynamic call admission control for mobile wireless networks with QoS guarantee: the single traffic case

Si Wu, K.Y.M. Wong, Bo Li
IEEE GLOBECOM 1998 (Cat. NO. 98CH36250)  
Call admission control is one of the key elements in ensuring the QoS in mobile wireless networks supporting multimedia applications. The traditional trunk reservation policy and its numerous variants give preferential treatment to the hando calls over new arrivals by reserving a number of radio channels exclusively for hando s. Such s c hemes, however, can lead to potentially poor radio channel utilization, due to the static nature. Given that radio channel is the scare resource in mobile
more » ... ess networks, this con ict has to be carefully resolved. This paper introduces a new distributed and dynamic call admission control mechanism (SDCA), whose objective is to maximize the radio channel utilization subject to a pre-determined threshold of the call dropping probability. The novelties of the proposed mechanism are that we h a ve taken into account the e ects of limited channel capacity and time dependence on the call dropping probability. As a result, new calls can spread evenly ove r a c o n trol period, which leads to more e ective and stable control. In addition, our scheme takes into consideration the in uences from nearest and next-nearest neighboring cells. Simulations show that our scheme steadily satis es the hard constraint on call dropping probability while maintaining a high channel throughput when compared with previous proposals.
doi:10.1109/glocom.1998.775694 fatcat:c6akcxmcszcfvfbw5xuctfjnrm