PHANToM OMNI Haptic Device: Kinematic and Manipulability

Alejandro Jarillo Silva, Omar A. Domínguez Ramirez, Vicente Parra Vega, Jesus P. Ordaz Oliver
2009 2009 Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA)  
The haptic device kinematics (position and its derivates) allows evaluate the virtual representation of the human operator in a virtual visualization at the same form defines the interaction with virtual objects programs across of a contact and deformation algorithm. The PHANToM OMNI haptic device, allows the kinematic interaction with complex virtual environments, and the potentials of application require of the available of its mathematical models. In this paper we present the kinematic
more » ... s and the experimental proofs across of knowledge trajectories, such as the evaluation of the kinematic manipulability allows verify the limits of inherent admissible operation at admissible configuration space or workspace, and to this end allows the free architecture to more applications on different engineering fields.
doi:10.1109/cerma.2009.55 fatcat:koswfagcevb6pivv7vpeenysku