A participatory approach for identification of micro flood zones in poorly developed urban areas

Osama Dawoud, Mustafa Mansour
2020 Academic Perspective Procedia  
The lack of observation technologies and the information records in developing countries restrict the applicability of advanced approaches for identification of flood zones and setting-up flood risk mitigation plans. Greater challenge is encountered in urban and areas where the natural hydrological conditions are altered. The current paper proposes an approach that utilizes the globally available data for the essential hydrological analysis. The approach integrates the spatial-analysis and
more » ... logical modeling approaches with a set of sequential iterative field/desk activities that confine and filter the flood zones and identify the associated risks. The proposed approach involves a systematic system for classification of the zones prone to flood according to the present status and the foreseen flood-risks. The proposed approach is sufficient to identify the micro-flood zones which might not be captured by the traditional analysis methods. The case study of Gaza Strip in Palestine is considered for validation of the approach and identification of the approach potential and limitations.
doi:10.33793/acperpro.03.02.32 fatcat:qvdtam7psjbxhmpqiw4ubsqpr4