P.Lakshmi Lavanya
2019 Research journal of english  
But I do feel this sense of goodness is part of our human conversation -the biggest part of it". -Carol Shields Carol Shields's last novel, Unless (2002) the best Canadian novel of the first decade of the 20 the century. She was a model winner, not only because it is a brilliant novel, but also because it is typically Canadian in combine the English and French languages. When anybody asked Carol Shields whether she believed God, she replied, "No. Human goodness is the only thing I believe in."
more » ... uman goodness is challenge in Shield's novel Unless by the self-immolation of one woman and the bodily and psychological damage to another who tries to help her. This novel shows Carol Shields most essential light as she has revise the category of Canadian' and female' through which her own uniqueness is constituted. Like most of her novels, The Handmaid's Tale is also a canon of feminism. The essential theme of the novel is still the examination of patriarchal structure of male domination and power of the woman's quest for meaningful identity.
doi:10.36993/rjoe.2019.2024 fatcat:nfoqsxguanfl3lg2mpkmjtzj3q