On the Choice of Relative Pronouns in English

Gregory R. Guy, Robert Bayley
1995 American Speech  
The aim of this paper is to provide a systematic study of the functioning of wh-pronouns. The idea of their unity in the 'Tongue' Domain stands for us as a major requirement. The occurrence of whoever, whatever, whichever, and wh (o)/(ich) with their antecedents results from a systematicity built in the deep structure of language. The approach adopted in this study opposes a simple description of the linear sequencing of words in language to the potential significate in the Tongue domain,
more » ... e the observable or the effects of sense have consequence on the mental representation of language. The system of wh-pronouns is mainly based on two concepts: 'predicativity' and 'virtuality'. These two constructs will be shown to underly the functioning of the wh-pronouns in English.
doi:10.2307/455813 fatcat:ksk672jyqrftpdvykc5g44mx3e