Investigation on the modification to solvent-containing two-component polyurethane coating by carbon nanotubes

X. Jiang, L. Lin, X. Bai, S. Wang, C. Wang
2015 Pigment & Resin Technology  
Purpose -The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effects of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on the mechanical, thermal and colour properties of solvent-containing twocomponent polyurethane (PU) coating. Design/methodology/approach -Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and observation of dispersion stability were employed to assess the effects of acid treatment on CNTs. The CNTs and PU composite coating was synthesised by in situ polymerisation and blending polymerisation, and the
more » ... thermal and colour appearance properties of coating were characterised. Findings -It was found that desirable modifications to CNTs occurred after acid treatment, thus mainly carboxylic acid groups were introduced onto the surface of CNTs. It was also found that the acid treated CNTs could improve the mechanical and thermal properties of PU coating, and the properties of composite coating were improved more successfully by in situ polymerisation than blending polymerisation. Practical implications -The investigation established a method to synthesise CNTs and PU composite coating. The study developed a method to improve the mechanical and thermal properties of PU coating by the inclusion of CNTs. Originality/value -The study established a method to synthesise CNTs and PU composite coating by in situ polymerisation and blending polymerisation. The study also gained understanding of the effects of CNTs on modifying mechanical, thermal and colour properties of PU coating.
doi:10.1108/prt-03-2015-0032 fatcat:7riluxedwvewddpjklckpkceai