cpalockator: Thread-Modular Analysis with Projections [chapter]

Pavel Andrianov, Vadim Mutilin, Alexey Khoroshilov
2021 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
AbstractOur submission to SV-COMP'21 is based on the software verification framework "Image missing" and implements the extension to the thread-modular approach. It considers every thread separately, but in a special environment which models thread interactions. The environment is expressed by projections of normal transitions in each thread. A projection contains a description of possible effects over shared data and synchronization primitives, as well as conditions of its application.
more » ... g the precision of the projections, one can find a balance between the speed and the precision of the whole analysis.Implementation on the top of the "Image missing" framework allows combining our approach with existing algorithms and analyses. Evaluation on the sv-benchmarks confirms the scalability and soundness of the approach.
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-72013-1_25 fatcat:tgr2yfzobnczzgrt2fl7ipkdga