A high pressure cell for small angle neutron scattering up to 500MPa in combination with light scattering to investigate liquid samples

J. Kohlbrecher, A. Bollhalder, R. Vavrin, G. Meier
2007 Review of Scientific Instruments  
We report on a high pressure cell to use with SANS in a pressure range up to 5kbar. The cell offers the new possibility to investigate liquid samples by a specially designed sample chamber, which allows changing of samples relatively easily. Since the cell construction uses fused sapphire as window material, also light scattering investigations can be performed simultaneously to the SANS measurements. In this paper we describe the construction of a high pressure cell and we demonstrate the
more » ... cability of the construction for SANS in combination with dynamic light scattering showing data on the biological molecule lysozyme.
doi:10.1063/1.2817632 pmid:18163743 fatcat:pfv2k7kyajhblcss6ohg2cr6fu