Radiocesium concentration in fruit bodies of some wild mushrooms on Mt. Fuji: before and after the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant accident

Hisashi SHIBATA, Kazuhiro TOZAWA, Hideo SUGIYAMA
2013 Japanese Journal of Mycology  
This is a report on the radiocesium monitoring of wild mushrooms after the Chernobyl accident. The radiocesium density before the Fukushima accident was high in wild mushrooms growing at high altitudes near Mt. Fuji, and the density after the Fukushima accident was high in wild mushrooms growing at low altitudes. Similar results were confirmed for the surface soil of the forests of Mt. Fuji. Some contribution ratios for the cesium (Cs) -137 density in wild mushrooms were calculated as a test
more » ... the Fukushima and Chernobyl accidents. The contribution ratio for the former (73%) was found to be higher than that for the latter (17%) . Long-term monitoring of changes in radiocesium distribution will be necessary in future.
doi:10.18962/jjom.jjom.h24-11 fatcat:7j74huww25hvppmdtbzktsb2fy