Synthetic Aperture Imaging of Multiple Point Targets in Rician Fading Media

Albert C. Fannjiang, Knut Solna, Pengchong Yan
2009 SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences  
This paper presents an analysis of stability and detection for broad-band synthetic aperture imaging in Rician fading media. A main result is the stability condition BN K 2 /(K + 1) M where K is the Rician factor, B is the effective number of coherence bands, N is the effective number of array elements and M is the number of (widely separated) targets. A statistical scheme is introduced to reduce the uncertainty when the stability regime is not realized. The imaging methods are tested
more » ... y with randomly distributed discrete scatterers and comparisons with the imaging with the full response matrices are made. The resolution study reveals several interesting effects: First, given the same measurement resources the synthetic aperture imaging has a better resolution performance, although is less stable, than the full response matrix imaging; second, for both imaging methods, the cross-range resolution decreases with the aperture (N fixed) and the antenna spacing (the total aperture fixed) while the range resolution increases with both parameters.
doi:10.1137/080728937 fatcat:aglcfufms5csxbelh4dndpg3cu