e0151 Expression of IL-17 in viral induced dilated cardiomyopathy mice

L. Song, W. Weifeng
2010 Heart  
p<0.01), which were also in a concentration-dependent way. 3. The PAI-1 transcriptional activity were significantly suppressed by fenofibrate (p<0.05), but induced by linoleic acid (p<0.01) in HepG2 cells transfected with PAI-pGL3 total length promoter constructs. 4. When co-transfected with PPARa-pSG5, fenofibrate could suppress the level of PAI-1 transcription further more (p<0.05), while increased y linoleic acid (p<0.01). 5. The PAI-1 transcriptional activity were very inconsistent when
more » ... sfected with the plasmid containing different length sequences of human PAI-1 gene promoter from À804 to +17 bp. Conclusions Fenofibrate and linoleic acid could increase the mRNA level of PPARa, and they regulate the synthesis of PAI-1 from transcriptional level, which was concerned with the activated of PPARa by Fenofibrate and linoleic acid. The sequences that could regulate the expression of PAI-1 gene induced by fenofibrate might exist in the areas from À804 to À636 and À636 to À449 of PAI-1 promoter and existed in the areas rom À804 to À636 and À449 to À276 induced by linoleic acid. The effects on expression of PAI-1 were very inconsistently, so there might be other mechanisms involved.
doi:10.1136/hrt.2010.208967.151 fatcat:jep7qqyuhzfudnebq4z6kkaehi