Communication within the Mini-Bus Taxi Industry of South Africa: A Case Study of Lenyenye (Limpopo Province) and Tembisa (Gauteng Province) Locations

Madimabe G. Mapaya, Mokgale A. Makgopa
2014 Journal of Social Sciences  
Traversing the townships of South Africa invariably lands one into the realm of minibus taxis; both in their splendour and irritation. A ride in a minibus taxi unravels a fascinating reality. The present paper is an exposition to the communicative culture prevailing within the sector. It is an extract from a study conducted at two different locations, Lenyenye and Tembisa (correct spelling and pronunciation is Thembisa), that attempts to document communicative behavioural patterns that define
more » ... e South African Black experience. Amongst other beneficiaries, policy makers and tourists would find the study helpful in corrective planning and in navigating the interesting landscape of Black South Africa.
doi:10.1080/09718923.2014.11893376 fatcat:7f22sz7ydbbmzn5rscq3nyd6be