eWorkbooks for Mathematics: Mapping the Independent Learning Experiences of Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities

Tara L Kaczorowski, Sharon Raimondi
2014 Journal of Learning Analytics  
In this paper, we describe a small case study exploring how four elementary students with mathematics learning disabilities utilized mobile technology (the eWorkbook) during core math instruction in a general education setting. The lead author designed the eWorkbook intervention to provide a flexible learning experience optimized for diverse learners. Sophisticated video-coding software was used to map the actions of the students as they engaged with the tool during the independent practice
more » ... ion of math instruction. Results related to engagement, independence, accuracy, and specific affordances and barriers to learning with mobile technology are reported.
doi:10.18608/jla.2014.13.17 fatcat:ulaft4o6nvh6xbetjilkgdwphu