Aggressive congestion control mechanism for space systems

Jingjing Wang, Chunxiao Jiang, Haijun Zhang, Yong Ren, Victor C. M. Leung
2016 IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine  
How to implement an impeccable space system-of-systems (SoS) internetworking architecture has been a significant issue in system engineering for years. Reliable data transmission is considered one of the most important technologies of space SoS internetworking systems. Due to the high bit error rate (BER), long time delay and asymmetrical channel in the space communication environment, the congestion control mechanism of classic transport control protocols (TCP) shows unsatisfying performances.
more » ... With the help of existing TCP modifications, this paper contributes an aggressive congestion control mechanism. The proposed mechanism is characterized with a fast start procedure, as well as the feedback information to analyze network traffic and with a link terminating processing mechanism, which can help to reveal the real reason of packet loss, and maintain the size of congestion window at a high level. Simulation results are shown in the end to verify the proposed scheme.
doi:10.1109/maes.2016.150117 fatcat:jujxey2jcne3vonzxzkokj4nzq