Cost efficient amine plant design for post combustion CO2 capture from power plant flue gas [chapter]

2005 Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 7  
Nexant, Inc., an affiliate of Bechtel Corporation, was contracted by the CO 2 Capture Project (CCP) to evaluate engineering options to reduce the cost of amine-based CO 2 capture from an onshore, 400-MW natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant in Norway. The initial phase of the work involves the design of a baseline NGCC and a 30-wt% monoethanolamine (MEA) retrofit plant designed to refinery/API standards. The second phase was a value-engineering exercise, where changes in equipment and
more » ... sign standards were implemented to create a low-cost retrofit MEA plant. In the final phase of the work, the NGCC and value-engineered MEA plant was redesigned as a new, integrated system. The CCP had developed capital and operating costs for the various design options, and have concluded that there are significant opportunities through value engineering and process integration to reduce the $/CO 2 avoided cost of post-combustion CO 2 capture.
doi:10.1016/b978-008044704-9/50118-x fatcat:tbgan34xivdkdckwkh27e5maze