The Preliminary Study of Organochlorine Pesticide Residues on Sediments of Bivalvia Fishing Ground at Eastern Part of Coastal Semarang

Chrisna Adhi Suryono, Subagyo, Wilis Ari Setyati, Endang Sri Susilo, Baskoro Rochaddi, Robertus Triaji Mahendrajaya
2018 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environment  
This paper presents the occurrence level of organochlorine contamination in marine sediments of Semarang coastal areas as a fishing ground of Bivalvia. Five compounds (Heptachlor, Aldrin, Endosulfan, Endrin and pp-DDT) of contaminant have been determined in the sediments surface of Semarang coastal waters. The samples were then analyzed by using gas chromatography and followed by using the method of Standard Method Examination. The result showed that the average concentration of organochlorine
more » ... esticides Heptachlor, Aldrin, Endosulfan, Endrin and pp-DDT were 25.5, bellow detected, 7.1, 37.2, 28.6 µ g/L, respectively. The high concentration of pesticide showed on Endrin (65,84 ppb), pp-DDT (29,53 µ g/L), and heptachlor (25,45 µ g/L). The low concentrations were detected on aldrin (bellow detected) and endosulfan (0,92 µ g/L). The concentration of organochlorine pesticides in these areas might contribute on four rivers which deposited the sediment in these coastal waters
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/116/1/012093 fatcat:ya3tynjmjjepbjv6pusjmkgfou