Thermal Performance Analysis of Solar Collectors Installed for Combisystem in the Apartment Building

A. Žandeckis, L. Timma, D. Blumberga, C. Rochas, M Rošā
2012 Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences  
The paper focuses on the application of wood pellet and solar combisystem for space heating and hot water preparation at apartment buildings under the climate of Northern Europe. A pilot project has been implemented in the city of Sigulda (N 57° 09.410 E 024° 52.194), Latvia. The system was designed and optimised using TRNSYS − a dynamic simulation tool. The pilot project was continuously monitored. To the analysis the heat transfer fluid flow rate and the influence of the inlet temperature on
more » ... he performance of solar collectors were subjected. The thermal performance of a solar collector loop was studied using a direct method. A multiple regression analysis was carried out using STATGRAPHICS Centurion 16.1.15 with the aim to identify the operational and weather parameters of the system which cause the strongest influence on the collector's performance. The parameters to be used for the system's optimisation have been evaluated.
doi:10.2478/v10047-012-0016-2 fatcat:o2tlyvvq3rhsfdgutbxvth46pa