Currents in the Non-Linear Realization of a Group on Its Sub-Group

Takao Okabayashi
1971 Progress of theoretical physics  
251 In the non-linear realization of a group on its sub-group, there is a method to define currents which can be classified between the Lagrangian formalism and the local current algebra in respect of the model dependence. In addition to the minimum condition that a current should be a base vector of a linear adjoint representation, some additional requirements which depend on models very loosely are imposed. Then the current can be defined uniquely without any reference to the equations of
more » ... on of the constituent fields, and the types of the symmetry violation and the models are restricted. The violation should be additive in the language of Lagrangian formalism, and the field-current identity hypothesis, .. for example, is not applicable to the non-linear realization. Furthermore there is no quantization method which is consistent with the local current algebra.
doi:10.1143/ptp.45.251 fatcat:gk5uwon47ne2vm3e3txsgne6jm