Quasibound states at thresholds in multichannel impurity scattering

Sang Wook Kim, Hwa-Kyun Park, H-S Sim, Henning Schomerus
2003 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General  
We investigate the threshold behavior of transmission resonances and quasibound states in the multichannel scattering problems of a one dimensional (1D) time-dependent impurity potential, and the related problem of a single impurity in a quasi 1D wire. It was claimed before in the literature that a quasibound state disappears when a transmission zero collides with the subband boundary. However, the transmission line shape, the Friedel sum rule, and the delay time show that the quasibound states
more » ... still survive and affect the physical quantities. We discuss the relation between threshold behavior of transmission resonances, and quasibound states and their boundary conditions in the general context of multichannel scatterings.
doi:10.1088/0305-4470/36/5/308 fatcat:t2fcwqsdmzd55e3brhhwsasf5a