Grain farming informatization indicators

I. Generalov, S. Suslov, R. Bazhenov
2019 Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Digital Economy (ISCDE 2019)   unpublished
The goal of research is to justify the system of economic efficiency indicators in the grain farming, taking into account the modern requirements of agribusiness digitalization, which allows a comprehensive assessment of the economic efficiency factors in the grain farming and to reveal the degree of their impact on the formation of the region grain potential under its informatization. When developing the system, in particular when studying the general principles laid down in the Digital
more » ... of the Russian Federation program, the monographic method was applied. As a result, the following indicators of grain farming informatization were substantiated: the proportion of agricultural machinery equipped with a satellite navigation system, the proportion of crop yield estimates with GIS systems, the proportion of agricultural machinery for minimal and zero soil preparation, and the data processing speed for the use of quality varieties (for crop rotation) (minutes per 1 processing), the percentage of customers who received information through the site, the processing speed of data on the competitive environment state, (minutes per 1 processing), the number of transactions on the "" website (pcs.).
doi:10.2991/iscde-19.2019.41 fatcat:77us5w4rdjgcbh5d6hhftnjkqi