Using the load current of the CPU to dynamically control the voltage and reduce the power consumption of PC systems

Ying-Wen Bai, Feng-Hua Chang
2012 2012 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings  
In this paper we use the load current of the CPU to decide whether the working state of the PC is considered to be a heavy load or a light load. Based on the voltage limit of each device on the PC motherboard, we use the voltage control as a dynamic voltage scaling (VREF-DVS) regulator to provide different voltages for each device. When the PC has a light load we can decrease the operating voltage of each device to the lowest limit to reduce the power consumption, and with a heavy load we can
more » ... crease it to the highest limit, to improve the performance.
doi:10.1109/i2mtc.2012.6229211 fatcat:ginkjzwjujbd5hz6xbin5paoda