Análisis de la Deserción de Estudiantes Universitarios usando Técnicas de Minería de Datos

Mauricio A Miranda, Jheser Guzmán
2017 Formación universitaria  
The research discussed in this paper determines the reasons and variables that determine student's decision to abandon their university studies. Student dropout becomes a major problem for educational institutions, as the loss of students can disrupt short and long-term academic and financial strategies. To evaluate these factors, data provided by the School of Engineering of the Catholic University of the North (UCN) in Antofagasta and Coquimbo (Chile) were used. The results are obtained using
more » ... a decision tree to predict the retention of students within 78,3% of accuracy. The models built in this analysis show a statistical ROC Curve of 76%, 75%, and 83% success rate for the Bayesian network classifier, decision tree, and neural network respectively.
doi:10.4067/s0718-50062017000300007 fatcat:ukve6zjglza4rdkltgkdd6mseq