Damping Property of a Cement-Based Material Containing Carbon Nanotube

Wei-Wen Li, Wei-Ming Ji, Yi Liu, Feng Xing, Yu-Kai Liu
2015 Journal of Nanomaterials  
This study aimed to explore the damping property of a cement-based material with carbon nanotube (CNT). In the study, the cement composites with different contents of CNT (0 wt%, 0.033 wt%, 0.066 wt%, and 0.1 wt%) were investigated. Logarithmic Decrement method and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) method were utilized to study the damping property of CNT/cement composite. The influences of CNT on pore size distribution and microstructure of composite were analyzed by Mercury Intrusion
more » ... ry (MIP) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), respectively. The experimental results showed that CNT/cement composite presented higher flexural strength index than that of a pure cement paste. Additional CNT could improve the vibration-reduction capacity of cement paste. Furthermore, the experiments proved that CNT could bridge adjacent hydration products and support load transfer within cement matrix, which contributed to the energy dissipation during the loading process.
doi:10.1155/2015/371404 fatcat:t33qrbniajflvbkvdvijfcdvwy