Tiberiu ILIE
2019 Social Research Reports  
This paper aims at analysing social welfare as a dimension of individual security. In specialty literature and offi cial documents of international institutions, social welfare is often associated with social welfare and it generally refers to providing support to the categories of people that for the time being, cannot ensure a decent living by their own means. Social welfare contains mechanisms by which the state institutions contribute to a state of individual and collective welfare in
more » ... ions which require expert intervention. In this context, we shall analyse the importance of the individual, his welfare and that of those around him in order to build social welfare. This study is a qualitative one. The results emphasise the fact that the social welfare of citizens may represent a factor of instability and social risk, if it does not reach its aim, namely, ensuring the best standard of living for personal development and security, but it may also represent a factor of stability, which results in welfare and development. The conclusions highlight, among other things, the fact that the social welfare system is not perfect, since the realities are diverse and they often do not match the theory and offi cial policy, while people concerned with their own security try to fi nd alternative solutions in order to preserve the standards of living.
doi:10.33788/srr11.1.9 fatcat:iwc5gyflbbbxzcunbbrbi4qydm