Investigation of Load Transfer Mechanism in Building Strucutre with Analysis and Design of Biaxially Loaded Column & its Isolated Slope Footing - A Case Study at Silchar Airport

Abdul Aziz
2020 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
The mechanism in a construction work of building where the building floor system consists of reinforeced concrete slab which is supported on a rectangular grid of beams. The grid of beams takes load from slab and transfer it towards column. Hence, slab thickness can reduce by a structural designier, depending upon on the geometric configuration of grid forming beams. The structural elements of a building such as slab, beam, column and footing bearing their own loads and imposed load i.e. dead
more » ... ad and live load and transfers from roof to floor beam, floor beam to column and finally from footing to soil. So, all the structural elements are interelated to each other for providing the structural stability in a building. Without geotechnical survey of soil condition, footing can not be design, because without proper bearing capacity of soil, the whole structure may fail at any condition due to earthquake load, wind load, snow load, hydrostatic pressure, low soil bearing capacity, etc. There are several restriction must follows while designing any structural element. The purpose of the study is to aid structural designers while designing the structrual elements of building. This study investigates how the structural elements transfer loads from top level to bottom of the building. In this research work, a small portion of building frame has considered which is constructed in modification of terminal building (G+3) storey at Silchar Airport. As well, the various aspects and manually designing procedure for Biaxially Loaded Column with Isolated Slope Square Footing as per IS codel provisions where as few datas are taken from S.T. Enterprise consultant's report. Keyword: Soil-structure interaction, load transfer mechanism, Beam-column joint, structural elements, failure mechanism, structural design, buildng systems, biological design in Structural Engineering, structural optimization.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2020.5075 fatcat:34zlqdtq6vfelkzo43hqgmcdse